What's your name

There is magic in life, not only in the movies.
This, is a true story of true people,
This, we hope will inspire you and touch your heart as it did for us.

Some call me light
I bring warmth on earth
Filling the air and hearts with vibrant colours
At a new beginning, Or at the turn of a page
I spread life, I am life

I’m everywhere,
Wrapping the world in my immensity
Deep down feeding people
Their body, their soul, their hearts
I welcome life and cherish it
Like mothers love their child
I am the ocean

I am the heart of the islands
Where you can rest and seek exile
Welcoming, like the smile of a child
My ancient trees provide for the people
My shores delicately carve their way out of the sea
To reveal soft sands and warm hearts

I am the soul of the forest
I protect and care for my people
Filling them with undemanding love

By Nicolas PETTE


FJ 8553 ET

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