If I Had Another Day

A young woman deals with loss by retracing her memories of past events.

If I Had Another Day, is part of an ongoing series of short narrative films called Portraits of Melbourne. PortraitsOfMelbourne.com.au

Philosophically it is a meditation on grief and hope.

The idea behind Portraits is to base the narrative I write for each actor around them. I interview each actor and then write for them. So in a sense it is part narrative; part documentary - even if the "doco" thread is highly obfuscated.

Written, directed, shot and edited by Clarke Scott https://twitter.com/Clarke_Scott
The Girl - Ella May Cannon
Production assistants - Luke Joseph & Leo Ramos

BTS video here - https://vimeo.com/97282505
Directors commentary - https://soundcloud.com/clarkesscott/if-i-had-another-day-directors-commentary


By Clarke Scott


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