Colin Cowan & the Elastic Stars "Whispers to Rockefeller"

Falling out of love ain't easy, it leaves you with a big ugly broken heart, but at some point you must go through the ritual called get-fucking-over-it. The only way forward is to pile up the tokens of your ex, douse them with gasoline and burn them all to hell just to feel real again.

Colin Cowan's second album in his seasonal series, "Eye of Winter," is scheduled to be released on vinyl and for the public on November 28th, 2014. His music aims to be a fluorescent cup of warm nostalgic soup fit for any contemporary star-child or drifter.

Starring Paul Anthony, Cameron Macleod, Ariel Ladret, Robyn Thomas, Kallie Jean Sorenson

Directed & Produced by Anthem Jackson Productions

Cinematography by Peter Hadfield
Camera Assistant Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux
Makeup by Larissa Boland

Special Thanks:
Hairkraft Studio
Blanche MacDonald

Film Convert

By graham kew

RED Scarlet-X

KD 5207 Vis3