For most people, Cordova is a small Alaskan fishing town unreachable by roads. But for millions of migratory shorebirds, this is the most important rest area on their highway journey across the globe.
By unknownOver 700 corvettes from all over the country came together for this year's Corvette Invasion 2018. Hosted by the Circuit of the Americas F1 Track in Austin TX. Highlight film covers the entire event from both ground and sky.
By Jonathan LucanDocumentary for preservation La Costa Verde in Miraflores, Lima -Peru
By Gonzalo IglesiasA teaser trailer for the new clown show from
By Adam LaityVideo I realized for the Crossfit competition East Side Classic Winter Edition 2020 in Sherbrooke in collaboration with Fonctions Optimum & l'Usine Crossfit Sherbrooke. First time ever using the FilmConvert Nitrate Plugin and I loved it. The plugin is really more than just a simple lut applied to your footage. I used the KD 5207 Vis3 film stock with the GH5 Cine-D color profile ! Camera : Panasonic GH5 Lenses : Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 & Tamron 24-70mm F/2.8 G2
By Gabriel LarkinIt was my friends lifelong dream to see the giant Cuttlefish aggregation in Whyalla, South Australia. I went and documented it for him.
By mitDustin Tolman
By Dustin TolmanCamera & Lens: BMPCC + Angenieux 17-68mm F2.2
Recording Format:Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) Dynamic Range:Film?Frame Rate:25fps
Shutter Angle:180º
Grading with Film Convert
Drag Queen by night... Football Player by day... what shaped and influenced this talented star to eventually become Destiny Forbidden? In this biographical Documentary we find out. *FilmConvert Logo presented at the end of the film.
By Nickolas DewetFilm is made on a camera KODAK DX6490, res.640х480. For Discovery short film. +FilmConvert
By Fedor PorshnevShot in Brooklyn, NY Dalia explores some of my own fears as I take my own steps to start a family.
Camera: Canon 5Dmkiii
Shot in RAW with MagicLantern, except for 2 shots. I will be happy to answer questions about the potential benefits and difficulties of shooting RAW, and post-processing it.
Graded entirely with FILMCONVERT. I bought this plug in very early on in its creation, and I can
A short film about coffee, authenticity and the importance of caring about what you do.
Directed by Simon Edwards ( and Stacey Yates (
With thanks to:Jamie and Dustin (, Rich Howel ( and the Cudlipps
Shot on Canon 5D mk3 with Atomos Ninja Blade
Edited & Graded in FCP X with FilmConvert (
réalisation, post-production (FCP7, Film Convert Pro)
calligraphie et musique : Bahman Panahi
This is the story of Darwin Brewing Company, a tiny, family owned brewery in Sarasota, Florida that is trying to leave their mark in the booming craft beer scene in Tampa, Florida and change the community for the better that supports them and their beer.
By James BlankenfeldSince 2003, Bernd Schittenhelm has been managing the tenth generation over 300 years of the family business as a blacksmith in Germany. In summer 2020 Bernd Schittenhelm forged a heart out of iron with masterly craftsmanship. Anita Schittenhelm covered it with 24 carat gold; the sculptor Eugen Lothar Hirneise created the base for it. The work will be auctioned by Volker Siegle on October 16, 2020 as part of the business weeks for the Boeblingen region. The proceeds go to the community of young people with high needs in the City Quartier Böblingen,
By Walter KorinekA mini-documentary about Dave Laro's art. Four different cameras, several vintage lenses and FilmConvert color were used to echo the texture and quality of Dave's art.
By Ben SilberfarbFrühjahr/Sommer 2014 Kollektion
Graded with FilmConvert 2
A Day at the Park - Short film by Richard Langberg - Shot with the Canon EOS t3i with a 50mm 1.8. Graded with Filmconvert.
By Richard LangbergA cinematic and poetic exploration of the space and time in Manhattan's Chinatown. In the form of a postcard to a close friend, Dear Friend Chinatown documents the daily life and sees culture, community, and religion through a nostalgic lens. (Color Correction using FilmConvert.)
By Tian LengThe car salesman, an often polarizing and mistrusted figure. This is the story of Joe Di Bari, a retiring car salesman.
By Christopher LuskShort PSA | Fiction | Drama| HD 1080 | 16:9 | 00:01:16 | Arabic | 2014
Showing the social challenges the defenders of human rights and politically active face in Jordanian universities.
PSA for Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development - JORDAN
View High Quality Stills Here :
Written, Directed and Produced by: Zaid Bawab
Cinematographer & Colorist: Ghassan Nazmi
Sound: Tarek Abu Ghosh
Editor: Amer Halasa
Assistant Camera: Yusser Al Zou'bi
Art Director: Yazan Makhamreh
Production Assistant: Khalid Bani Hani
How do you define commitment? What does it take to be truly committed? Follow Gareth Burn’s journey into Bodybuilding and discover his perspectives on what he’s learnt so far... Although this story is set in the backdrop of bodybuilding, its universal message can apply to anything. Commitment is more than just talking about it — to paraphrase some of Gareth’s views. The big question is… Did Gareth’s hard work pay off? Watch this story to find out!!
By Gwyn ColeThis summer we spent the holidays in Denmark. I took this as an occasion to try out the video mode of the Iphone SE. With FilmicPro, Selfiestick and an underwater housing it could go. The recordings are recorded almost completely without a tripod. For me it was a praxistest, which the iphone very well existed. The quality for a phone is very good. technical: - Editing in Premiere CS6 - Filmconvert Plugin (FJ Velv100) Music by Ehrling: Thank you @Ehrlingofficial for free use.
By Hannes KronebergerFilmed with a Canon 1100D. Music: Kevin MacLeod Licensing: Copyright @ RevinFilms FilmConvert
By Craciunoiu AdrianUn documentaire de 52' écrit et réalisé par Michel & Nicolas Arribehaute
Produit par Jean-François Moussié
Sortie prévue DERNIER TRIMESTRE 2015
page facebook :
Avec :
Sandra Sevilla ( muaythai )
Livia Lancelot ( Motocross )
Johanne Defay ( Surf )
Nawal Meniker ( Athlétisme )
Réalisation teaser Michel et Nicolas Arribehaute
Montage post prod Michel Arribehaute
Mixage Sound design Nicolas Arribehaute @arribehauteN
réalisé à l'aide de 2 Lumix GH4 et optiques Lumix 12-35 color correction FIlmconvert
Merci à
Rodrigo Alamos et le team Alamos
David Urban et Urban Boxe
Raymond Sevilla
Fernand Lopez et
I took a trip to Didcot Railway Centre in Oxfordshire hoping to get some interesting shots. I was in luck as some of the staff were being trained to drive a little loco. Probably one of the most pleasant afternoons I have ever spent!
This film was graded using the awesome Film Convert software which turns red footage in to something really special! The music is from
Camera - Red Epic
Lenses - Canon 100-400mm L Series, Olympus Zuiko 16mm + 50mm primes.
My setup was very simple. The Epic had the battery side grip and a 5" monitor + a few Red Volt batteries and 3 X 128gb mags. I also had a carbon fibre Manfrotto tripod which is both light and strong. The Epic is surprisingly easy to use and despite filming in 5K the footage is easy to edit and grade!
Italian food: Chef Diego Rigotti e il Maso Franch
Il territorio e l’estetica, la tecnica e la creatività. Tutto questo – e molto di più – riesce a entrare nella cucina di Diego Rigotti. Classe 1984, nonostante la giovane età lo chef ha già conquistato una stella Michelin al Maso Franch.
Da poco Rigotti è diventato anche executive chef di G Ristorante Italiano all’Hotel Golden Palace di Torino. E a breve un’altra avventura lo aspetta: il 7 e l’8 maggio volerà a Stoccolma per il Bocuse d’Or Europe.
Gradend on Filmconvert
Ora lo chef si sta, infatti, allenando all’Alma (Scuola Internazionale di Alta Cucina) con i due trainer Michael Magada e Luciano Tona: a Stoccolma dovrà competere con 20 chef da tutta Europa. In palio la partecipazione al Bocuse d’Or del 2015 a Lione: la più importante competizione enogastronomica mondiale, le Olimpiadi della cucina in cui si sfidano gli chef under 30.
La formazione di Rigotti passa da
The medieval town of Dinan in Brittany, France. Observational documentary entry in the 2016 FilmConvert Competition.
By Arnold Kopfffilmconvert
By Dennis Lubbers",
By Jakub JahnAs a producer for mainly commercial clients, I rarely get to tell real engaging stories. With this video I gave everything I got to please both the viewer and my client with a documentary portrait of a lady, getting rid of talking heads and corporate sell talk. It has been showed to both top political key decision makers and international health care organisations with great success, even raising the interest of the technology from countries like Kenya which will now start implementing it.
By Lars-Petter SteenBreve resumen del ambiente que se vivió el domingo de la tanda de honor de las regatas de la Bandera de la Concha, en Donostia-San Sebastián, el día 14 de septiembre de 2014.
Edited with Adobe Premiere
Color Graded with FilmConvert
A safari in the Serengeti featuring lots of lions, leopards, elephants, baboons, giraffes, zebras and a surprise!
View the photos and blogpost at
Filmed on a Canon Mark III, Panasonic GH4, and GoPro Hero 3.
Colored with FilmConvert.
Behind the Scenes: I had a blast working with Andrew Ingram on this video! This guy is a beast. Check out his links here: The song used in this video was “Not Going Home” by Con Bro Chill. These guys are awesome. Download the song and check out their pages, follow, and subscribe below! Free: Pay: YouTube Link: Website: YouTube Page: Facebook: Twitter: SoundCloud: Instagram: Big thanks to Cody Grandfield for being my second shooter! Film Shot on Canon 6D, Canon t3i
By Kidron CannonDr. Kevin Fleming of Grey Matters International relates a groundbreaking decision early on in his residency that changed the arc of his life forever while saving another's life. AF100 and Filmconvert 25mm Voightlander Version I
By Michael McGlinnDreamlands - Oil Painting With Mark Harrison. Although not a regular oil painting demonstration this film portrays the development of an oil painting by Mark Harrison from initial sketch to completion. It shows basic working method and oil painting techniques, in this case a fantasy landscape painting called "Borderlands" for exhibition at the Illuxcon Art Symposium in the USA. The film was edited in Premier and graded with Film Convert by Cliff Wright of Eaglesmirror, filmed in Mark Harrison's studio and home, compressing the time taken for painting "Borderlands" into one notional day.
By Cliff WrightTranse Express's Drums & Giant Dolls performing in the streets of Riga, Latvia, during the Riga City Festival on 17th & 18th August 2013.
Directed & edited by Arnaud Bringer.
Currently a finalist in the Sharp "Art of Amazing" competition and showing at the Mill Valley Film Festival. Please vote at
Sometimes you meet someone, and hear a story that has so much heart and courage, that you can’t help but tell it. Dusty Harrison is one of those stories. He’s a 20 year old that’s been stepping into the ring with grown men since he was 16, looking for a way in the world that lets him use the gifts he was given.
Dusty came up in the tough streets of Southeast DC, kept on the straight and narrow by the love of a father who didn’t want him to repeat the mistakes he had. He put gloves on dusty at 2, and pushed him every day of his life, and together they are finding salvation.
Now at 22-0, Dusty Hernandez Harrison (@dusty30th) is the biggest draw to come out of DC since Sugar Ray Leonard, and the 15th ranked welterweight in the world. Since we met Dusty last year, we fell in love with his st
There is a centuries-old tradition in this land, hunting with Eagles tradition, as some sources mentioned more than 6000 years old. This tradition was crucial to maintain since it was a part of survival for locals in order to survive the harsh Mongolian climate. That was in the old days... By now there is no more need to hunt using the eagles and in our days it serves more like a show to attract tourism versus the survival of mankind. Should this centuries-old tradition be cherished and continued for years to come or should it be abandoned and left to stay only in stories that glorified humans as superior beings? Shot with Lumix GH4, Nikon D800 and graded with Filmconvert Pro.
By Estas TonneEdith is Professional Trainer at UFIT Urban fitness Singapore, in the last two years she won many body building and bikini competitions. Her philosophy about fitness just simple, Earned but not given.
Shot, Directed, edited, color graded by Adevar (Voljox Studio)
colorgrading: filmconvert
second cameramen: Law Diche
Still Photography: Haji sopian
Song: i'm Fresh - You're Pretty - Date (using creative common at
Voljox Studio - 2014
Chef Brian Konefal of Coppa Cafe explores what Mother Nature has to offer & the inspiration foraging has brought to his dishes.
By Andrew Gooiimages from a trip to the east coast
By Brenton OechsleDark scenes from NYC in the final days of Winter...
Filmed of several days in early March on Sony a7S to test 16mm film look. Glass was Canon 24-105mm F4 L IS and 35mm USM IS with Metabones Smart Adapter IV. Shot in S-Log/S-Gamut with FilmConvert FJ Velvia Color 100% Curve 100% Grain 50% + Gorilla Grain 16mm Medium Dirty at 60% applied in post.
Filmed entirely handheld at 3200 ISO with IS lenses.
"Martian Cowboy" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
This summer I took the opportunity to make with my girlfriend and family a four-day trip to Edinburgh, Scotland.
For me it was more a trial-trip. on another occasion I will spend more time in Scotland, because in the short time I have not seen to much of the country. Anyway we enjoyed every minute including making Scottish Tattoos (I was spared), lots of whiskey, Guinness and good food (Haggis).
we spent three days in the city and walked from one end to the other. for one day we rented a car to see something of the scottish nature and surroundings. The whole short-trip was wonderful.
(shot on Red Epic)
I wanted to travel with a compact Rig and do all Hand-held with Slow Motion settings and Fake Dolly-Jib movements. This movements were filmed only by hand, no tripods, no Dollys & Jibs were used but a little of stabilization work in post.
- Tamrac EXPEDITION 7X (full loaded 18kg)
- Red Epi
I shot some short clips of the car known as the "Freak". It's owned by eGarage co-founder Nick Jimenez. Located in Redwood City, Ca. I used FCPX to edit and FilmConvert to grade the footage and give it a look. I also used MotionVFX's mFlare.
By wilfredoThis is a film that follows the process of making a wooden sculpture. Inspired by ice and Scandinavian wood we follow the process form raw wood to finished work of art, and hear about the love of subtle colours, fine structure and perfection of craft and creativity.
By Ketil TeisenThe story of the Electric Coffee Company ( ) in Ealing, London; its refurbishment, its re-opening, its coffee and the importance of community and the individuality of shops and cafes.
Shot entirely on the Leica M (Type 240) using a Leica 28mm Summicron ASPH, 35mm Summilux ASPH FLE and 50mm Noctilux ASPH, with some shots using a Leica OUFRO macro adapter. Ambient audio recorded on the internal microphone and interview recorded on a Roland R26 using a Rode lavalier microphone. Edited using FCP X. Partially colour graded in "Color" by Neil Patience ( ). Final grading with FCP X and Film Convert. A Manfrotto 561BHDV video monopod was used for all shots apart from the interview, for which a Gitzo video tripod was used. I also used a Lee RF75 filter holder & hood, along with Lee ND filters.
This film documents the creation of some forged brackets that are meant to illustrate the concept of community/working together. Elijah created the concept and executed it in his forge. The idea is hands clasped together supporting each other.
By Barry GreggA short profile of Elizabeth Dias, Time Magazine reporter on the religion and politics beat.
By Jeremy ZippleWe've all heard time and time again to, "Embrace The Journey" and "Trust The Process". If you truly live your life by these words everyday, you'll know what they really mean. For Tony Jakstis, it's always about being optimistic, supportive and truly embracing the journey regardless of all the set backs and failures. Coming from welfare, it's not easy to make your dreams come true when there's a lot of people who doubt you. As an aspiring actor with fame during his early teens, a multi-million dollar business owner and the founder of a non-profit centered around at-risk youth after having his sister nearly taken away from a car accident, Tony's journey has been a struggle...and it's only beginning. This is his story... "Embrace The Journey - Not A #"
By David C Lee