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Canon 5D Mark III, FJ 8543 VD
Beautiful Maui

It is my passion to share with humanity the beauty that I see in the world. Maui has been like a second home to me and I knew I wanted to go and share the feeling I have for the beautiful island. I created this film as a start to my film career and what better place to do it than a place filled with newness. I am so happy to share with you my first short film, Beautiful Maui.

Edited in Premiere Pro CC
Graded using Film Convert

By Jaimie Stewart
Sony FS700, FJ Velv 100
Beautiful Calgary

The beautiful city I grew up in.

Edited in Premiere Pro CC
Graded using Film Convert

By Jaimie Stewart
Nikon D7100, KD TrX 400
Waves of Nazaré

The power of the waves of Nazaré, Portugal.
Camera Nikon D7100
Edit FCP7
Process FilmConvert
Music by

By Marco Marques
Trieste ...again

I was sent away on a shoot to Trieste. I have only been to Italy once - strangely enough last time it was also to Trieste. It's a small but lovely little city if you know where to look. We had fun filming and I was lucky enough to catch a few moments here and there to cut this little video...

No time for a tripod.

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
Kiev 16-u Lenses: MIR-11M 12mm F2 / VEGA7-1 20mm F2 (I forgot to bring my TAIR-41M 50mm F2)
RAF Cameras Kiev 16-u to M4/3 Adapter (
3D Printed adapter + 58mm Tiffen ND filters (0.6/0.9/1.2)
ProRes 422 HQ 25p
180º Shutter
FCPX > Film Convert (FJ8543VD + some additional grading to taste)

"Take Your Things" by Stoltz ( - Big thanks to him for letting me use it!

By Matt Choules
RED Scarlet Mysterium, Fuji Velvia
Time to Fly

Time to Fly est un mini documentaire qui nous emmène à la découverte des paysages que Claude arpente depuis des décennies pour assouvir sa passion de la pêche à la ligne.

Réalisation : Beber et Riton

Le pécheur : Claude Hincelin

Cadrage, Montage, Etalonnage : Beber et Riton
Montage Son et Mixage : Valentin Brion
Musique : Ludovico Einaudi : "La linea scura"

Color graded with Film Convert

By Beber et Riton
canon 1D X, FJ 8543 VD
Habana city - " film convert "

filmed and edited by Ebo Fraterman
music Tom Tykwer

By ebo
Black Magic Production Camera 4K, download in the webshop
EO Film Ariel 3 FilmConvert

By Stefan Weber from EO Film
Canon 60D, FJ 8563 RL
The Peace of Wild Things (FilmConvert)

Winner of the 2014 DepicT! Royal Photographic Society Cinematography Award.

"Can’t spell DepicT! without epic. Fantastic way to spend 90 seconds" -Robbie Ryan, BSC

"Stunning cinematography and production values that you don’t normally see in this fantastic competition"

"Really stunning – small and perfectly formed"

"Beautiful and gets in deep"

"Liltingly beautiful cinematography"

By Adam Laity
Blackmagic pocket, FJ 8543 VD

Just a short test of my new bmpcc at iso 200 in low light situation.

Filmed in raw, imported raw files in resolve and exported as prores. Imported prores files in fcpx and color corrected with filmconvert.

You can download prores file here:

camera: bmpcc + metabones speedbooster (bmpcc version)
lens: nikon 20-35 (hoya variable nd just for the sky shot)

By Edoardo Pasero
Sony F35, FJ 8543 VD
Test video that shot with Sony CineAltar F35

Used FilmConvert

By Tri?u Quang Huy
C100, Archive 16mm, KD 5207 Vis3
Balaenoptera Legacy - 30 Years On

A short film to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Environmental Investigation Agency

Shot on C100
graded with FilmConvert

By Leo Plunkett
Canon 5D MKII, Plrd 600
This Land (Vietnam)

My first trip to Vietnam, to this land which is a part of me.
Places visited: Halong Bay, Hanoi, Hue, Hoi An, Saigon, the Mekong delta, Phan Tiet.

" We’re on the 24th of December, here it is, I’m finally in Vietnam. We just landed in Hanoi, capital of the country. It’s a first for me, I’m with my family, with my father who left this country at the age of 18. Since I was a little boy, I dream about making this trip with them, with him. After several hours on a local bus on his way to the East, we are boarding on a junk, heading for the bay of Halong. I’m in the middle of this bay and the sight of these hills tearing open the sea through this mist fascinates me. It’s Christmas Eve, but my mind is elsewhere, being here is my gift.

The next day we are back on the road to the South, and will succeed to each other Hu? and its Imperial city, the astonishing and preserved village of Hoi Han and finaly H? Chí Minh, said Saigon. This last, megalopolis with i

By Arnaud Ly Van Manh
Canon C300, Fuji Film Prov 100
LAMP Community

Short documentary I shot and directed for LAMP Community, a homeless shelter in Downtown LA's Skid Row.

For more information on LAMP and their services:

Graded using Film Convert

By John Michael Gardiner
Panasonic Lumix GH2, KD P400 Ptra
Barcelona In Color

A week in lovely Barcelona during the holiday season of 2013.

Shot on a GH2 with a Fujian 35mm C-Mount lens, Minolta Rokkor-X 50mm and the 14-42 kit lens.

Graded in Premiere using FilmConvert and Colorista II.

Music : "Avenida Del Sol" from

Gaudi font from

By Lior Sol
C100, 5D MarkII, FJ Velv 100
Randy Beeson - Master Craftsman

A profile video of Randy Beeson, Master Craftsman Cabinetmaker and Woodworker. Randy has been building things out of wood for over 40 years. He doesn't remember ever choosing to do what he does, it was more a part of who he is.

If you like the video, you can also visit:

Director of Photography - Oaken Beeson
Editing - Oaken Beeson and Alicia Beeson
Camera Operators - Oaken Beeson and Ifrain Rodriguez
Motion Graphics and Logo - Alicia Beeson

Canon 5D Markii and T4i
17-35mm 2.8l
24-105mm 4i
50mm 1.8

Cobra Crane
Indi Slider
Satchler Tripods
IDC System Zero and JAG35 Follow focus systems
Sennheiser Mics and H4N recorder
Adobe CS6 Suite
Graded with Filmconve

By Oaken Beeson
Iphone 5s, FJ Superx 400
On My Way - iPhone 5s and Filmconvert

As an owner of a video production company we get a bit snobby about our tools. I've had an iPhone 5 in my pocket for months but honestly never had the inclination to use it. But one sunny spring day I went to the creek with the family and realized I forgot an SD card in my DSLR. So left with the option of shooting nothing or using my phone, I chose the latter.

Since I had my tool chosen for me I decided to give it the old college try and see if I could make something decent with no extra help. So no accessories, no stabilization tools, no fancy phone apps, no lenses. I used only the iPhone and my own hands, and an occasional rock.

I did cheat a bit at home though, this was edited in Premiere Pro and colored with Film Convert. But hey, cut me some slack, I draw the line at iMovie.

Graded with Filmconvert

Go Solo
Tom Rosenthal

By Oaken Beeson
C100, GoPro Hero Black 3+, FJ Velv 100
Twin Peaks Mall Street Art Takeover

Scheduled for demolition, the Twin Peaks mall was opened up to a select group of street artists to do what they do best, go big. Organized by Gamma Acosta, artists from the surrounding areas beat the summer heat sweating and painting for over a week. The outcomes are shown here. Built in 1985 the mall had a good run but just as the 80's had to sadly end, so did indoor malls. But what better way to go then to be covered in art.

Technical Details:
Shot on a canon C100
DJI Phantom, gimbal, GoPro Black Hero +
Edited almost all in Premiere Pro CC
Graded with Filmconvert
A lens or two

To see more from xSeedDesign:

By Oaken Beeson
Canon 1100D, KD 5123 Vis3
Depth of Field

Filmed with a Canon 1100D. Music: Kevin MacLeod Licensing: Copyright @ RevinFilms FilmConvert

By Craciunoiu Adrian
Canon EOS t3i - 600D, KD 7207 Vis3

A Day at the Park - Short film by Richard Langberg - Shot with the Canon EOS t3i with a 50mm 1.8. Graded with Filmconvert.

By Richard Langberg
Canon 5D Mark III, KD 5207 Vis3
Israeli Spring 2014 ???? ??????

A clip of the nature in the Ramat Menashe region in Israel - May 2014 Cinematography & editing: Arbel Rom ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???? - ??? 2014 ????? ??????: ???? ??? Equipment used: Canon 5D Mark III Canon 16-35 2.8L II Canon 100 2.8L Macro Canon 24-105 4.0L IS Canon 50 1.4 Varavon Slider with Motoroid kit Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro Graded With Film Convert.

By Arbel Rom
BLAKE Filmconvert

A simple clip of a 3 year olds perspective.

Used Mini track dolly and steadi cam.

"Created for the Weekend Challenge:"

Black Magic Pocket Cinema camera
Lenses: Canon 28mm 1.8, MF3 Lumix 14mm
Music: Lee Rosevere : Eileen

By Alden Miranda
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, FJ H160s Pro
Storm call - BMPCC Prores proxy test 2

Graded with filmconvert Shot with : Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, Polar C/y 28mm 2.8 lens In Prores proxy mode (high compression, because my cheap sd card cant take anything over than that) Song : On our side ( you tube music library)

By Adriano Leal
Canon C300, KD 5207 Vis3
Hyperice "Adrian Peterson"


By Christopher Sims
Panasonic Lumix gh3, KD 5207 Vis3
Wohnsinn - Portrait Anna Kestner

Es gibt sie, die Gegenstände, die jedem Wohnbereich eine individuelle Handschrift verleihen. Und es gibt diejenigen die für diese Individuelle Handschrift verantwortlich sind...

Ein Portrait über Anna Kestner.

Film von Joschka Möller
Piano: Sven Kirsten ( )
Gitarre: Lars Bremkamp ( )

Grading: Filmconvert Pro
Camera: Panasonic GH 3 with Voigtlaender 17,5mm, Canon 70-200mm, Canon 50mm FD, Walimex 35mm

By Joschka Möller
Blackmagic Production Camera, FJ 8534VD
4K | Hooked Blackmagic Harbour Filmconvert

Blackmagic 4K camera shoot of Rotterdam harbour, spot the AMIRA shot! Everybody seems to have their favorite spots, mine is the harbour of Rotterdam. When I got the Blackmagic 4K I spend three days in March driving around the harbour to capture some stuff. One day was so misty it turned into this video: the other two days turned into this video. The idea was to take a piece of music that was almost too wel known and abuse it. For more into on my experience with the Blackmagic camera check this page: Will soon update with some info on my editing experience, just incase anyone cares :) Filmconvert used for nice cinematic filmsy look. Here some behind the scene pics shot with the EOS M to give you some idea of the BM 4K setup: Music: Beethoven 5th Symphony Licensed from

By Maarten Toner
Canon EOS 5D MK III, KD 5207 Vis3
The Art of Steven Peters - (Film Convert Cinematography Competition Entry)

(Film Convert Cinematography Competition Entry)
Written and Directed by Wandy Sinesi-Giusti
Starring Jérôme Girault & Lola Mathiron
1rst Ass. Dir. : Benjamin Schirtz
Music: Cults - You know what I mean

By Wandy
Sony FS 700, KD 5207 Vis3
King Of Hell Trailer (Graded with FilmConvert) Windsurfing na Narodowym prezentuje -
King Of Hell Trailer

- rezyseria, zdjecia, montaz - Modest Media -

By Michal Calka
Canon 550D, IL FN FP
Alley Cat

Alley Cat 27.septembris, 18:00 Miits Kashuks - Run video - Davis Jansons some colors with Film Convert

By Davis Jansons
Canon 7D (converted to IR) and a 5Dmk2, KD P400 Ptra
Infraroa - Full spectrum New Zealand

Shot and edited by
Massive thanks to Desturction Unit for letting me use their track Bumpy Road -

Full spectrum time-lapses were shot on a 7D converted by Spencer's with a Tiffen deep red filter on the lens.
Night shots were done on an EosM and a 5D2, all running magic lantern nightly builds. Grade was done in premiere using Film Convert

By mit
Canon 60D, KD 5207 Vis3
Flew away (FilmConvert)

A short video shot on the trip to Hallendale beach and Everglade National Park.
Music- DUSK by Evan Duffy

By Lin Lin Kyaw Htet
Canon C100, Gh4, FUJI 8563
You Betta Belize It

Its my first documentary went to the beautiful country of Belize and captured my home church's first mission trip. My weapons of choice are GH4 and C100. Color graded with Film convert and Final cut x

By almediagroup
Canon 5D MkII, Fuji Velvia
The Art of Making, The Carpenter

The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight certain people, which go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.

directed / edited / vfx - Dimitris Ladopoulos, Spiros Rasidakis
director of photography - Nikos Mexis
sound design - Nikos Tsines
music - The Three Corners of the Earth, The Fire Shall Devour Us

(shot using available light, with Canon 5D+7D, edited in Final Cut Pro X, tracked with PFTrack, composited in After Effects and FilmConverted)

By Dimitris Ladopoulos (Deep Green Sea)
Canon 5D MkII, Fuji Velvia
White Tuna

Serrats, art in the elaboration of handmade preserves

Software - After Effects, FilmConvert

By Dimitris Ladopoulos (Deep Green Sea)
Canon 5D MkII, Fuji Velvia
The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca

Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.

The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.

Directed & VFX - Spiros Rasidakis, Dimitris Ladopoulos
Director of photography - Nikos Mexis
Editing - Yiannis Kostavaras
Sound design - Nikos Tsines
Guitarist & composer - Edsart Udo De Haes
Guitar maker - Vassilis Lazarides
Software - After Effects, FilmConvert

visit film page

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

By Dimitris Ladopoulos (Deep Green Sea)
Canon 5dII, FJ H400 Pro

My first real test with my canon 5D MKII in magic lantern RAW video. Shot during my trip to Charlevoix region in Quebec , Canada.

There is so many possibilities with colours when shooting RAW, it's just beautiful.

Graded in Davinci Resolve And Filmconvert

By Jonathan Bonenfant
Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF, KD 5207 Vis3
The Glaskrafter and Potter

Featuring Chris Smith and Jane Murray-Smith of Nanoose Bay, BC, Canada.

Audio: Gareth Dickson - Happy Easters

Wyatt Visuals - Vancouver Video Production
Shot on: Blackmagic Cinema Camera (Bmcc) Dnxhd
Audio: Rode Ntg-2, Mixpre-d, Tascam dr40
Lenses: Sigma 8-16, Tokina 11-16, Samyang 24, Nikon 50 ais, Nikon 100 ais
Graded: Davinci Resolve and Film Convert

By Mark Wyatt
Sony FS700, FJ H160s Pro
Sun Chasers

Sun Chasers is a short film I made on a Sunday afternoon with breakdancers Preston Kyd & Tarquin Samuels, and is one many "just for fun" videos I will be uploading on my personal channel from now on.

The title is derived from the fact that we were chasing the sun, rushing from location to location, trying to shoot after the harsh sunlight faded and just before the sun set. We filmed around various locations of our hometown in Durban, South Africa.

Breakdance is a beautiful form of expression, there is something captivating and unreal about being in mid air for just over 1 second, whether you're the dancer or the viewer, you

can't help but say "Wow."

I aimed to prolong that "Wow" moment with the use of super slow motion. I hope you enjoy watching this and this if you have any technical questions, just leave a comment!

The track, used with kind permission, is Katy B - 5AM (Sketchy Bongo Remix)

By Yash Bagwandeen
Lumix GH3, PLRD 600 (but i set source camera on Arri alexa R709 with 50% on film color)
Leïla - Herboriste

À Brains, Leïla Si Moussa est l’une des rares exploitantes agricoles qui récolte et commercialise des plantes médicinales dans l’agglomération nantaise. Elle compose un choix de tisanes à partir de récoltes dans son grand jardin et en cueillette sauvage.

Plus d'infos sur " les tisanes de Leïla " :
Leila Si Moussa - La Pilaudière - 44830 Brains -
Distribution : AMAP - Magasin de la Ranjonnière - Bouguenais - Le Wagon - Pannecé - Marchés

Image : Lumix GH3 - Filtre hoya
Son : cravatte sennheiser et rode videomic
Montage : FCPX
Grading : FilmConvert

By thomas rault
Canon 5D mark 3, Fuji SuperX 400
Old Craftsman Portrait

Shot in Belgrade, Serbia. © 2014 Lazar Bogdanovic and Hristina Papadopulos Graded with DaVinci Resolve and Film Convert using Fuji SuperX 400 stock The term craft is a Turkish loan word of Arab origin, and denotes skill or knowledge. Crafts are forerunners of industrial mass production. Craftsmen who perfected their craft would make their product from beginning to end. Once, the shops of old craftsmen such as candy makers, bookbinders, candlemakers, watchmakers or tailors could be seen everywhere, but now they are few and far between. Although these professions are not lucrative anymore, there are several craftsmen in Belgrade who save their crafts from oblivion. As a rule, anyone who practices old crafts inherited that occupation from the previous generations as a family tradition. Mass production enabled products which are far cheaper than the ones old craftsmen used to make and slowly made old crafts sink into oblivion. Art Director / Hristina Papadopulos Cinematography / Lazar

By Lazar Bogdanovic
Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF, KD 5207 Vis3
Restoring The Atleo River

Filmed at the Atleo River, BC, Canada on September 3rd, 2013 for The Central Westcoast Forest Society

Writer / Producer - Drew Burke
DoP / Editor - Mark Wyatt
Vancouver Video and Film Production

Solina Sea - Gareth Dickson

Shot on:
Blackmagic Cinema Camera BMCC 2.5k, Sigma 8-16, Tokina 11-16, Samyang 24mm, Nikon 50 and 100.
2 shots with 5d mark iii (raw magic lantern)
Graded in Resolve with Filmconvert
Rode NTG2, Mixpre-D, Dr-40

By Mark Wyatt
Panasonic GH3, KD 5207 Vis3
Tin Ghosts

GH-3, Lumix 12-35 2.8 -35-100 2.8 - Various Vintage Nikkor Glass - Kessler Pocket Dolly - New cut done in Premiere CC and graded in Filmconvert - with KD5207 Vis 3 Film & 35mm 3 perf setting.
The piece was shot on the Luseno Indian Reservation east of San Diego.
Wonder if this is where the Mustang Fastback that Steve McQueen drove in the movie Bullitt, ended up?

By Alan Austin
Sony F3, KD P400 Ptra
The Weird and Wonderful

This film tells the story of a 23 year old man with a passion a little out of the ordinary.

Situated in the heart of Lancashire, The Weird & Wonderful is a Natural History store specialising in the highest quality taxidermy, osteology and entomology from around the world. Norman Wright, founder and owner launched the web store in the middle of 2012 from his bedroom and by January 2013 the stock and business was rapidly outgrowing his home. After an 8 week renovation, the flagship store opened in July 2013 and has grown rapidly since.

Norman provides an insight into these beautiful practices which are often misunderstood.

Footage treated with FilmConvert.

Filmed and edited by KNOW MEDIA -

Sony Fs700 + metabones speed booster / Canon 5D mark 3, KD Vision 3 / KD TrX 400
Uganda 2014 - intro clip

Dubbed ‘the pearl of Africa’ by Sir Winston Churchill, Uganda is one of the continent’s most beautiful and welcoming countries.

Documentary Film about Batwa Tribe and Kabale

Directed, Filmed and Edited by Ionut Turda

Edited in Premiere CC
Color grading: Colorista II and Film Convert

Canon 5Dmark3
Sony Fs700 + metabones speed booster

Canon L series

By Daniel Turda
Canon 5D Mk3, FJ SuperX 400
Bump In The Night

Promotional teaser for a TV pilot based on the life of John "Shrek" McPhee. Color graded with Film Convert Pro.

By Lee Schneider
Canon C100, Kd 5213 Vis3
A Life on the Line


"A Life on the Line" is an exploratory film; it follows a weekend on a trapline with my father in May, 2014. He explains, how trappers have a deep connection to the wild and how just being in the woods is often the greatest reward for those who continue in this traditional way of life.

I don't wish to glamorize the harvesting of animals, I merely wish to shed some light on a lifestyle that my ancestors thrived on and, that for all intents and purposes created the country of Canada.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to me at

This film was shot in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest in western Manitoba, over a warm and blizzardy weekend in May. It was shot entirely on a Canon C100 with a wide variety of lenses, most notably, a Dog Schidt FF58. It was edited entirely in Adobe Premiere and graded with

By sam
Canon C100, Canon 5D Mark III, KD 5207 Vis3
Landlocked: A One Day In Denver Short Film

This is the first of two segments that I made for the wonderful One Day In Denver filmmaking project.

The second piece will focus on the journey of the paper boats from Cherry Creek Reservoir, moving North along Cherry Creek, and into the city, culminating in their arrival at Confluence Park in Denver, where Cherry Creek meets the Platte River, and begins it's long trip east to the Mississippi, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean.

A million thanks to my awesome assistant and 2nd camera operator, Kris Farruggia for lending his time, effort, talent and commitment to helping me execute such a goofy idea.

Thank you to Matt Bliss, as well, for his profound patience and good sense of humor. Trying to get 100 stupid paper boats to cooperate wasn't easy. I'm so grateful you were willing to play along!

Thank you as well to Travis Thompson from the Denver Water Department, who's knowledge and experience will be featured in the 2nd segm

By Douglas Koke
FS700 & 5Dmk2, KD Vision 3
Wild ways

A glimpse into the hard work and motivation behind the people who build walking paths through the wild and beautiful Scottish Highlands

Shot mostly on a Sony FS700 (apart from the aerial shots which were shot using a Canon 5Dmk2, from a microlight at about 6,000ft)

Cut with Final Cut Pro 7 - graded with FilmConvert

By Dave Tarvit
Panasonic GH4, Kd 5213 Vis3
Chicago Art & Architecture | Breaking in the Panasonic GH4

[NOTE: This streams from Vimeo at 1080p. You can download the source H.264 UHD 2160p rendered at ~25 Mbps by clicking the "Download" button below and using the "Original .MP4 file" link. Alternatively, you can view this in UHD 2160p online at by clicking the gear icon there.]

BACKGROUND: Last year, when the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera arrived, I made a video to break it in - - and laid down a commentary to share some insights - I challenged the camera to known weaknesses, while crafting a fully-formed lyrical piece beyond the abundance of rough tests and demo clips.

With the launch of the Panasonic GH4, we're back to that same moment, seeing no shortage of test runs, but few large-scale works. Getting my early GH4 coincided with a trip to Chicago for a film festival I was in, so after a couple of days getting-to-know, I spent my last day running around the city before

By H. Paul Moon
Panasonic GH4, KD 5207 Vis3
Paris Awakening | PANASONIC GH4 | 4K

Early morning in Paris. The city and its most iconic monument awaken as the day rises.

Shot with the Panasonic Lumix GH4.
Mode | Cinema 4K 4096x2160 24p
Lenses | Panasonic 14-140 mm, Panasonic 45-175 mm, Olympus 9-18 mm, Olympus 45 mm, Olympus 75 mm
Slider | Konova K1
Music | U137 - Watching the storm - Licensed through The Music Bed.
Grading | VisionColor Osiris LUT and FilmConvert

By Emeric Livinec
FS700 (S-Log2), Fuji Velvia 100
Grading test with Filmconvert's new FS700 S-Log2 profile

Filmconvert's excellent film emulation software now has a S-Log2 profile for the FS700 which works beautifully to give the picture an organic film-like look, based on actual film stock. Love it :0)

By Dave Tarvit