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Image Controls

Image Controls

Camera Section

  • Exposure Performs an adjustment prior to the film emulation being applied.
  • Temp Adjusts the color temperature. For Quicktime based cameras, this assumes that the clip temp is 5600 (daylight). Moving the slider to the left makes the scene cooler. Moving to the right makes it warmer.
  • Reset Sets the settings back to their defaults.

FilmConvert Section

  • Stock chooser drop down Click on the name to select a film stock emulation. Alternatively you can click on the left and right arrows to cycle through the stocks
  • Color slider This adjusts the balance between the original digital camera color palette, and the film color palette. Typically you would leave this at 100% film
  • Grain slider Adjusts the amount of grain applied to the image. The default is 100%, which is an accurate representation of the grain for the selected film stocks. Some stocks have more grain - such as D3200.
  • Size drop down Selects the negative size to emulate. Smaller values such as 8mm are fuzzier with larger grain. Larger values have smaller grain.

Color Corrector Section

  • Shadows, midtones, and highlights This is a standard color corrector, any adjustments made will affect the image in the following ways:
    Shadows - adjustments will affect pure black 100%, mid grey at 50%, and pure white at 0%.
    Midtones - adjustments affect pure black 0%, mid grey 100%, and pure white 0%
    Highlights - adjsutments affect pure black 0%, mid grey 50%, and pur white 100%
  • Color wheels The 3 wheels adjust the color of the shadows, midtones, and highlights. Drag the white knob around the circle to add color.
  • Sliders The sliders adjust the image by adding or removing brightness in the manner described above. Adjustments happen before the color wheel adjustment - so you can use these sliders to control how much of the image is in the upper highlight area before applying the color cast to it.
  • Saturation slider will saturate or de-saturate them image.

Levels Graph

  • Graph shows the relative amount of luminosity in each color band. Dark images will show larger values on the left side of the graph, bright images on the right side.
  • Clipping indicators To the left and the right of the graph, these bars show up when you have pure black or pure white in your image.
  • Black, mid, white sliders Use these to se the clipping point for black and white, and where the mid point grey lies
  • Before / after buttons selects whether the graph is shown before or after the Black, mid, and white sliders. Before functions like a standard photoshop levels graph. After is used for showing the results of adjusting the sliders