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Applying FilmConvert to your media

Applying FilmConvert to your media

Once FilmConvert is installed, you will want to apply it to your footage. To do that:

  • First open up Photoshop.
  • Import some media.
  • Click on the Filter menu item and go down to the Film Emulation category.
  • Select FilmConvert... the FilmConvert GUI will open up.
  • To the left you will see the proxy window, and to the right, the Image Controls
  • There are controls along the bottom of the proxy window, explained from left to right:
    • The Reset button will discard any changes made with the Image Controls but leave the GUI open.
    • The next four buttons are the proxy image zoom controls. They are:
      • Zoom In.
      • Zoom Out.
      • Zoom 1:1 (actual size).
      • Zoom Fit.
    • Next is the Bypass button. It will allow you to A/B your changes before applying them.
    • The Cancel button will discard any changes made with the Image Controls and exit the GUI.
    • The Apply button applies the changes made with the Image Controls and exits the GUI.