The Maasai Mara From Above by Arnold Kopff

The colours and compositions of this piece felt magical and had a cinematic power it took me away and reminded me of what filmic cinematography should be about. Sebastian Wöber Quintessential beauty, excited me about going on Safari to shoot something similar Ben Forman ** Winner 3rd Prize FilmConvert Cinematography Competition 2014. This vignette was… Continue reading The Maasai Mara From Above by Arnold Kopff

“Restoring the Atleo River”, By Mark Wyatt

Beautiful use of lighting and colours, all in all very well shot and edited. Nice to see Film Convert used for rich and vibrant colours too. Great use of the tool for beyond its design. Ben Forman This short has such a filmic style, it conveys the very meaning of a “cinematic” approach in every… Continue reading “Restoring the Atleo River”, By Mark Wyatt

Children of Karni Mata by Adam Ruszkowski

The world of documentary film has been revolutionized with the digital age, access to affordable and high-quality camera equipment and online distribution. Now more than ever, people everywhere have access to impressive technology to tell stories. Everyday, new filmmakers are born. But in this age we mustn’t forget the important purpose of documentaries: to show… Continue reading Children of Karni Mata by Adam Ruszkowski

Capture the Imagination by Dan Jobson

Holed up in his forest tree house, a hunter sets a trap for an elusive creature. The time would pass much quicker if he could just finish the story he is writing… Dan’s imaginative short pulls you into a vibrant world through a strong use of composition, color, and movement throughout. Patrick Moreau

Alfie’s Journey by Richard Bailey

A promotional video for Coventry Care, encouraging families to consider foster care for children in need. ‘Alfie’s Journey’ won the award for Best Commercial Film in the FilmConvert Color Up Competition 2015. For me, the colour 100% enhanced the narrative, which is what good grading is all about. Too often colour continuity is overlooked but… Continue reading Alfie’s Journey by Richard Bailey

Arlene Gould – Rollin’ (ft. Lucille Crew)

Tomer Bahat Color Grungy textures and a warm but faded color palette add so much to this already beautifully shot music video. I love the subtle use of effects and color pops to add dimension to the piece, and the overall art direction is fantastic too. It’s a perfect example of using a single location,… Continue reading Arlene Gould – Rollin’ (ft. Lucille Crew)

Surfing Gailicia, by Alex Levin

Alex Levin shot this film in Spain over the winter months. It features some beautiful aerial photography and natural landscapes. Alex Levin – The Interview For this project I was going for a cool, natural look. We were out in the early morning for most of the shots and I wanted to keep some of… Continue reading Surfing Gailicia, by Alex Levin