The challenge:
Usually on set you have plenty of time to shoot, perfect lighting, makeup&hairstyling, lot of people for operating the camera, lenses, full equipment and, overall, real actors.
Here I’ve tried to put myself out of “the comfort zone”, pulling my skills to the limits because I think this is the way to improve oneself, which is something you never stop doing.
I did this little video, inspired by the Massive Attack music video “I want you”, having only me on set and:
> one friend: Ilaria Fantini who is not a professional actor, this was the first time for her in front of the camera
> one camera: Red One mx
> one tripod: Cartoni C20S
> one lens: Sigma 18-35 1.8 with CineMorph filter from VidAtlantic
> only ambient lighting
> few hours at disposal for shooting
> few hours for editing
I would like to say thank you so much to Ilaria Fantini for her time and patience, to Hotel
Fashion Film : Courtesy of SKINGRAFT & FABIO QUARANTA
With Stephane Olivier - Martina Innocenti
Music : Mr. Meeble - "Forget This Ever Happened"
Tech. specs. :
One camera: Blackmagic cinema pocket ProRes
One lens: Panasonic 12-35 2.8
One filter: CineMorph from VidAtlantic
One monopod: Manfrotto 561bhdv and handled
Only ambient lighting
2 hours at disposal (never seen the location before the shooting)
Many thanks to sponsor equipment : Vid-Atlantic and Eddie Enciu, CrumplePop and Patrick Donohoe
Fashion Film about a lady trapped in lost place's memories. The flattened town reflects her splitted soul.
One lens
One tripod with mini jib
Only natural ambient lighting
2 hours at disposal
No make up
No hair styling
Rainy and windy
Edit with finalcutprox and filmconvert
Here the Blackmagic Pocket CinemaCamera settings:
- Recording Format: ProRes
- Dynamic Range: Film
- Frame Rate: 25fps
- Iso: 800 ASA
- WB: 6500K
- Shutter Angle: 180.0
Documentary which reports different phases of the tunneling construction works of the "Park S.Giusto" underground parking garage.
One lens: Panasonic 12-35 2.8
One tripod with mini jib
Only ambient lighting
Here the camera settings:
- Recording Format: ProRes
- Dynamic Range: Film
- Frame Rate: 25fps
- Iso: 800 ASA
- WB: 3200K
- Shutter Angle: 180.0
Life and death in a quantum world. Bad boys' physics.
The Schrödinger's cat thought experiment mapped onto a gangsta movie context.
Played by Dag Kaszlikowski and Pawel Kurzynski, uncompromising physicists from the Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore (
A sequel of GWEI LO:
Grading with FilmConvert software.
Director: Mess Santos
Write by Thalles Cabral
Edited by Davidson Mainart and Mess Santos
Produced by Movie 3 Films
Film Convert Pro
Grabbed my camera and walked around the pits at Spa Six Hours Race 2014 to capture some of the special moments that happens in the "heart" of a race track...
By Henrik NüchelA CAN.DID Production
Starring Paul Venezia & Cory O'Brien
Written by Cory O'Brien
Directed by Justin Fleischer
Assistant Director Isaiah Elwell
Produced by Justin Fleischer & Cory O'Brien
Edited by Justin Fleischer
Sound Design Paul Venezia
Special Thanks to the Elwell Family
What I want to convey in this documentary through a brief tour of the corners and streets of La Chanca is a look and live. This film wants to be the story, an invitation to reflect, to discover Almeria the neighborhood feel of its parent and the reality of this place is not that of others but his own.
By Ignacio OrtegaA coming-of-age girl is disturbed when she dreams of her arranged marriage. Film Convert.
By Randy LaoCamera & Lens: BMPCC + Kowa 8mm F 1.4
Recording Format:Apple ProRes 422 Dynamic Range:Film?Frame Rate:25fps
Shutter Angle:180º F 2.8 ASA 800
Audio recorder: Zoom H4N + Azden SGM-X
Grading with Film Convert
My friend Kenny faced his problems head on and went sober and in doing so discovered his way forward in life.
Canon 5DMK3/ Sony Ruvi & Filmconvert
Director/ Cinematographer/ Editor: Gareth Bowler
Music: Soul Battles by Ryan Taubert (
Thank you: Mum, Dad, John, Denice, Workington Crossfit.
"Inspiring, honest and brave. People need to see this."
"Powerful and extremely moving."
"The film holds the exact reasons for why I am overcoming years and years of serious clinical depression."
"This is truly inspirational!"
"So emotional and so proud well done"
"Inspirational and outstanding. Take a look at this. 3 minutes 50 that you will treasure."
"very very special indeed."
"I have a lump in my throat and goosebumps from head to toe."
In 2013 I lost almost 10 Stone (140pounds) so the message in this motivational video is very close to my heart.
5D MK3 & Filmconvert
Director/ Cinematographer/ Editor: Gareth Bowler
Music: We are Infinite by salomon ligthelm (
Thank you: Uncle Bob, Mum, Dad, John, Denice, IPSWICH YM RUFC Rugby Union, the Coomber family
Ben Coomber is a Performance Nutritionist, public speaker, writer & coach. Ben teaches personal trainers, fitness & health enthusiasts, sports teams & companies around the world about nutrition, health, performance, & business growth.
For the 20th edition of the Internation Street Theater Festival, the Arkhangelsk Youth Theater, Russia, invited the Transe Express Company (France) to work with professional local singers as well as amateur musicians, in order to perform a unique show. This film tells the story of their musical gathering and adventure.
Directed, shot & edited by Arnaud Bringer. This is just some casual footage from a housewarming party with friends. In case you are interested, I stacked two ND filters and a circular polarizer so I could shoot into the setting sun with the iris wide open. Color grading was done with Film Convert within Adobe Premiere.
By Michael ChristensenFamed photographer Douglas Doubler brings his talents to the 20x24 camera to photograph young ballerina Rachelle di Stasio at Go Studios in Manhattan. Recorded with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera with a Kern Paillard Switar 10mm. Graded with FilmConvert Proand edited in Adobe Premere Pro CC on a MacBook Pro Retina and Core i7 iMac.
By John ReuterUn court métrage de fiction.
By kevinchampagnelessard2014 July, 5 days in the east of Mauritius with the gang.
With FilmConvert for the color correction.
Filmed & Edit by : Christophe Hamon
Filmed with Canon 5D Mark III & Magic Lantern
Music : Isbells - Elation (Licensed music from The Music Bed :
Lenses: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM / Canon EF 50mm F/1.4
Currently a finalist in the Sharp "Art of Amazing" competition and showing at the Mill Valley Film Festival. Please vote at
Sometimes you meet someone, and hear a story that has so much heart and courage, that you can’t help but tell it. Dusty Harrison is one of those stories. He’s a 20 year old that’s been stepping into the ring with grown men since he was 16, looking for a way in the world that lets him use the gifts he was given.
Dusty came up in the tough streets of Southeast DC, kept on the straight and narrow by the love of a father who didn’t want him to repeat the mistakes he had. He put gloves on dusty at 2, and pushed him every day of his life, and together they are finding salvation.
Now at 22-0, Dusty Hernandez Harrison (@dusty30th) is the biggest draw to come out of DC since Sugar Ray Leonard, and the 15th ranked welterweight in the world. Since we met Dusty last year, we fell in love with his st
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Suspence/thriller study etude, 3rd year
Music by Angelo Badalamenti
???????????? ??????? ????, 3 ????, ????
"The Window"
CInematography study etude, 3rd year
Used FilmConvert on this, very pleased with results.
By Adam Jones“The sunrise is G-d’s greeting – the sunset, His signature.” I set out to capture a short piece that would paint this spectacle and enable Sydneysiders to share this moment we are able to experience every evening with their friends and family across the world.
'Tomorrow' is a film that captures the beauty and emotion of a sunset in Sydney behind the city skyline. To me, a sunset is about the ending of 24 hours and the transition to a new day, a time we are able to reflect on the past, enjoy the present and contemplate our future. 'Tomorrow' was filmed from Rose Bay and Dover Heights over a period of two sunsets.
For licensing enquiries, you can contact me via Vimeo or my website.
Website -
Instagram -
Facebook -
Graded using FilmConvert
Music: Found, Ryan Taubert
Footage from my Gopro Hero 3+ on a Dji Phantom 2.
It's been a dream come true to be able to get footage like this.
Music by: ODEZSA-Say My Name
Graded using Film Convert
Starring : Mathieu Duthilleul, Claire Poulizac & Benoit de Maintenant.
Directed by: Thibaud Lepercq
Assistant Director Jerome Le Corre
Written by: Claire Poulizac & Thibaud Lepercq
Cinematography by: Jerome Le Corre & Thibaud Lepercq
Produced by: Blastaway-Productions
Associate Producer: Marc Beudet & Jean Trautsolt
Production Design by: Marion & Claire Poulizac
Editing & Sound Design by: Thibaud Lepercq
Shot in Paris with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera.
Olympus Zuiko 9-18mm, Sigma 17-70mm, Canon 50mm, Samyang 14mm, Sigma 30mm.
Graded Using FilmConvert.
Many thanks to all the amazing team !
Released July 2014
This is a short film about the processes by which mountains are created and eventually destroyed. It is based upon the work of British geographer L. Dudley Stamp, and was shot in Iceland.
Physical geography and geology is an enormous and fascinating subject, and this film only touches upon the surface of the discipline. For those who wish to further advance their knowledge in this field, additional reading and research is recommended.
The film was created as part of The Weight of Mountains filmmaker residency program. For more information please visit
Animation courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio
Graded with Film Convert
Pre-wedding film TONIGHT of Avnish and Anita filmed, edited in 4K UHD 3840x2160 resolution. Filmed, edited by Aurelijus Varna VARNA STUDIOS Photo & Cinema Copyright 2014 This film was shown at the wedding reception to all the guest at the Langham Hotel. This film was filmed with panasonic GH4 in 4K UHD resolution.
By aurelijusSilver Award in wedding/engagement film category at WPPI PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILMING competition at Las Vegas 2014.
An engagement film of Rustam and Elmira "Where We Meet".
An amazing love story begins when the city worker Rustam notices Elmira at London Bridge. Then he approaches her and suggests to spend a day together getting to know each other. Their friendship blossoms as they travel through London and end up in Durdle Door, Bournemouth. It gives them more intimate environment and allows the time on their own.
Copyright 2008-2013 Varna Studios Photo & Cinema
Villa Balbianello, Lake Como in 4K UHD 3840x2160 resolution. Copyright 2014 VARNA STUDIOS Photo & Cinema VARNA STUDIOS Photo & Cinema is available for destination wedding photography and cinematography at Villa Balbianello. This short film 'TRIP TO VILLA BALBIANELLO' was filmed by Aurelijus Varna with 4K UHD Panasonic camera GH4. Most of the shots were filmed handheld or using Glidecam HD4000. Villa Balbianello. I visited this stunning wedding venue in Italy with my wife while being on holidays at Lake Como, Italy. From the beginning to the end of the trip I was filming and taking stills to show the beauty and amazing location of the Villa Balbianello. Villa Balbianello is one of most beautiful destination wedding venues I ever visited. It is in the Lake Como, Italy surrounded by amazing mountains and luxury villas. One of the scenes of Cafe Royal was filmed at this place with James Bond. The Star Wars film was film the
By Aurelijus VarnaTítulo: UM BRASILEIRO DO SERTÃO
Direção: Elias Batista
Direção de Fotografia: Magnus Campos
Produção: Alexandre Kruger
FilmConvert Pro
Um brasileiro nascido em berço seco e árido, vaqueiro por nascimento e excelência. Montado em seu cavalo arredio que se deixa chamar por delinquente, ele se impõe em meio à vegetação seca do semi-árido nordestino. Rosto rachado pelo sol. No corpo, além da poeira e suor, marcas dos muitos espinhos que insistiram em riscá-lo por entre as frestas de sua armadura de couro. Essa é a imagem do vaqueiro Pedro Coelho, símbolo de fortaleza e resistência que retrata o forte desbravador do sertão. Figura eternizada no imaginário popular e na literatura de escritores como Euclides da Cunha, Guimarães Rosa, Ariano Suassuna e o poeta Patativa de Assaré, que assim dizia:
“Eu venho desde menino
desde muito pequ
Shanghai Pudong with 468 m Oriental Pearl Tower on a rainy day in August, seen from The Bund on the western bank of Huangpu River. The cloudy, rainy weather was not ideal for sightseeing, though posed an attractive scenery for Timelapse Photography.
many thanx 4 the music 2 Bernd Pfeffer!
operatorlar: Fuad Gold / K?nan Qurbanov s?s uzlasmasi: Promete montaj: Fuad Ismayilov musiqi: Drew Barefoot - Enjoy the calm Baxdiginiz üçün t?s?kkürl?r! /
By Fuad IsmayilovRickard köper en gård i Skåne med drömmen om att skapa en tillvaro som är ekologisk och hållbar. Nu arbetar han hårt för att bygga om sekelskiftsgården till ett självförsörjande jordbruk.
Shot on Canon C300 with Canon L-series glass.
Graded in Premiere Pro with Filmconvert and Colorista.
I know not when you first arrived. The facts are clear, there are reports, documentation stating the day, date and even down to the very second of your birth. Yes, all this is very clear. And still with all these facts I am still unclear as to your first arrival.
I shall explain, feebly stumbling through my thoughts, however I shall articulate to the best of my ability at this conundrum.
I woke one morning, no more remarkable then any other morning, but for one little thing. I, for the life of me, cannot remember what life was like before you. Certainly events and places, things one can mark on a calendar or write in a journal But for me, I can’t remember what it felt like when you were not there. Life without you never existed, never was and can never be. You my son, and I who wanted a girl, another daughter to hold and love. Another who is everything I am not. And then they announced it was a boy. My boy. Life without you never existed for you have always been there, n
By Ludek NovyEin Engagementfilm gedreht im Wald, in der Stadt und Zuhause. Romantischer Film über ein Paar mit Kind vor der Hochzeit. Modern, kreativ, besonders für eine Hochzeit.
By Simon HergetPeninsular was shot between july and august 2014 within the Shiretoko National Parc area, Hokkaido Island, Japan. Additional footages from Kushiro Shitsugen National Park, home of the red crowned crane.
The main idea was to spend some time with our new motion control system, in order to get ready for our expedition to come next year, in the unspoiled Amazonian Rain Forest.
More infos on
shot with the Canon 5D mark III, edited in Adobe Premiere CS5, graded with FilmConvert
Canon EF L serie lenses: 16-35mm F2.8, 70-200mm F2.8, 600mm F4
Syrp Genie motion control
Syrp MagicCarpet slider
Gitzo tripod
Lee filters
With the gracious help of my friend Florian Bernard.
Music by Message To Bears (Bon Iver Holocene Remix)
By Aleks RudenkoFLIP HOUSE production powered by YALAMBANZ a poem visualized in our way (FILM CONVERT)
By kiran menonNew video for Ziyon "OIAM" (one in a million)
I Directed, DP'd, lit, operated, edited, composited, post FX and coloured the video, with assistance from my lovely wife Candice Lee Campos (She came up with the concept, assisted the shoot and the edit. She is amazing.)
All graded with FilmConvert in Premiere Pro CC 2014 (which is a first, as I usually use Resolve for colouring)
Colour shots using FilmConvert FJ 8553 ET
Black & white shots using FilmConvert IL D400
Shot Sony F5 with 2k OLPF (optical low pass filter)
Slog3 Sgamut3.cine
Nikon 17mm-55mm F2.8
Part one...stay tuned for more...
FilmConvert Pro 2.1 Fj Ast 100 stock
MUSIC: Emotions by MartijndeBont
Screenshot of The Beatles Helter Skelter (Youtube)
New Music Video from Moonbeam
Buy on iTunes:
It is my passion to share with humanity the beauty that I see in the world. Maui has been like a second home to me and I knew I wanted to go and share the feeling I have for the beautiful island. I created this film as a start to my film career and what better place to do it than a place filled with newness. I am so happy to share with you my first short film, Beautiful Maui.
Edited in Premiere Pro CC
Graded using Film Convert
The beautiful city I grew up in.
Edited in Premiere Pro CC
Graded using Film Convert
A day in the life of the crew that make it happen at Coffee & Tea Collective.
Project Title : Coffee& Tea Collective
Film Location : San Diego, CA
More Info : |
Director | DP | Editor : Steve Cachero
Sound : Joel P. West -
Color: Steve Cachero (Film Convert - FJ 8543 VD)
The power of the waves of Nazaré, Portugal.
Camera Nikon D7100
Edit FCP7
Process FilmConvert
Music by
I was sent away on a shoot to Trieste. I have only been to Italy once - strangely enough last time it was also to Trieste. It's a small but lovely little city if you know where to look. We had fun filming and I was lucky enough to catch a few moments here and there to cut this little video...
No time for a tripod.
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
Kiev 16-u Lenses: MIR-11M 12mm F2 / VEGA7-1 20mm F2 (I forgot to bring my TAIR-41M 50mm F2)
RAF Cameras Kiev 16-u to M4/3 Adapter (
3D Printed adapter + 58mm Tiffen ND filters (0.6/0.9/1.2)
ProRes 422 HQ 25p
180º Shutter
FCPX > Film Convert (FJ8543VD + some additional grading to taste)
"Take Your Things" by Stoltz ( - Big thanks to him for letting me use it!