Time to Fly est un mini documentaire qui nous emmène à la découverte des paysages que Claude arpente depuis des décennies pour assouvir sa passion de la pêche à la ligne.
Réalisation : Beber et Riton
Le pécheur : Claude Hincelin
Cadrage, Montage, Etalonnage : Beber et Riton
Montage Son et Mixage : Valentin Brion
Musique : Ludovico Einaudi : "La linea scura"
Color graded with Film Convert
The Bennebroekse Feestweek is an annual 3-day festival in Bennebroek, The Netherlands. The festival is for the young and the old, for everyone to enjoy. I spent three day's filming everything and then edited down to +/- 3minutes. This video was shot on the Canon C100 with a Canon 24-105mm and a Nikkor 80-200mm lens and it is graded using Davinci Resolve and the fabulous FilmConvert OFX plugin.
Music by Secrets In Stereo - "Right Here, Right Now" (Licensed trough The Music Bed)
By Hawkins ramahHalusin luoda unenomaisen ja runollisen tunnelman lähi metsässä.
Kuvattu: Panasonic GH4 + Iscomorphot 8 1.5x anamorphic adapter + SLR Magic 35 T1.4 & Helios 40-2
Film Convert työkalua käytetty värimäärittelyssä.
I wanted to shoot dreamy and poetry like mood from my nearest forest area in my home town Hämeenlinna.
Shot on: Panasonic GH4 + Iscomorphot 8 1.5x anamorphic adapter + SLR Magic 35 T1.4 & Helios 40-2
Film Convert used for grading this video.
I was driving home after a day at the beach in St. Lucia and found this really cool spot right next to the runway and thought it would look interesting on film. With a little pleading I got my beautiful girlfriend to be my subject. Hope you enjoy.
Shot with the NEX-FS700
Rokinon 35mm and Tokina 11-16mm
Film Convert Pro 2 with some flares and artifacts in the final edit
Music by: Oktopus
Shot on the FS700 & FS100
Graded with Film Convert
I was given the opportunity to have the dream job. Shoot Paul Oakenfold in concert and on a boat in Cayman Islands. Special thanks to Sian Weinzweig from Epic Day Entertainment for producing an amazing event.
Shot on the FS700 & FS100
Director: Sean Michael Field
1st Camera: Badir Awe
Grip: Tremayne Ebanks
Song: Barbers Adagio For Strings - Paul Oakenfold (Trance Mission Album 2014)
Graded with Film Convert
filmed and edited by Ebo Fraterman
music Tom Tykwer
Film Convert
By Sean FieldWinner of the 2014 DepicT! Royal Photographic Society Cinematography Award.
"Can’t spell DepicT! without epic. Fantastic way to spend 90 seconds" -Robbie Ryan, BSC
"Stunning cinematography and production values that you don’t normally see in this fantastic competition"
"Really stunning – small and perfectly formed"
"Beautiful and gets in deep"
"Liltingly beautiful cinematography"
Directed by Guillaume Mougin & Produced by HOLDEN
MANAGEMENT / BOOKING: management.capture@gmail.com
PRESSE / PROMO: presse.capture@gmail.com
GROUPE: contact.wearecapture@gmail.com
©2014 La Classe.
" Lazy Thursday Afternoon"
DOWNLOAD SONG : https://itunes.apple.com/mz/album/lazy-thursday-afternoon-single/id889720725
Musique - LA CLASSE -
Directed By - HOMEWORK -
LA CLASSE et HOMEWORK remercient chaleureusement Livia, Joy, Marie, Pauline, Raoul, Julie, Agnès, Dante, Esther, Gérard, Eloise et Colombe !!
Sandy is struggling to come to terms with a habit he has been ignoring for years. He has finally realised that he has to put a stop to it before it is too late!
By Leo PlunkettJust a short test of my new bmpcc at iso 200 in low light situation.
Filmed in raw, imported raw files in resolve and exported as prores. Imported prores files in fcpx and color corrected with filmconvert.
You can download prores file here:
camera: bmpcc + metabones speedbooster (bmpcc version)
lens: nikon 20-35 (hoya variable nd just for the sky shot)
Used FilmConvert
By Tri?u Quang HuyA short film to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Environmental Investigation Agency
Shot on C100
graded with FilmConvert
Noksel es el fabricante de tuberías de acero helicosoldado de mayor garantía. La tecnología de última generación con la que se desarrolla el proceso y los exhaustivos controles de calidad a los que son sometidos los productos así lo demuestran. Todo ello refrendado con el trabajo de un equipo humano altamente cualificado.
Noksel is the manufacturer of steel pipes helicosoldado greater assurance. The latest technology with the process and quality controls that are subject to the products prove it develops. All endorsed the work of a team you altamen-qualified.
5d2 + Magic Lantern + FilmConvert KD5213 Vis3 35mm
My first trip to Vietnam, to this land which is a part of me.
Places visited: Halong Bay, Hanoi, Hue, Hoi An, Saigon, the Mekong delta, Phan Tiet.
" We’re on the 24th of December, here it is, I’m finally in Vietnam. We just landed in Hanoi, capital of the country. It’s a first for me, I’m with my family, with my father who left this country at the age of 18. Since I was a little boy, I dream about making this trip with them, with him. After several hours on a local bus on his way to the East, we are boarding on a junk, heading for the bay of Halong. I’m in the middle of this bay and the sight of these hills tearing open the sea through this mist fascinates me. It’s Christmas Eve, but my mind is elsewhere, being here is my gift.
The next day we are back on the road to the South, and will succeed to each other Hu? and its Imperial city, the astonishing and preserved village of Hoi Han and finaly H? Chí Minh, said Saigon. This last, megalopolis with i
This video is to remember the Forest Brothers, the post-World War II resistance fighters in Lithuania. In those days, the forest of Kazlu Ruda where this video was shot, was a hiding place for the fighters. The main character walks into the woods and back into his memories. He is here to hide and to escape his everyday troubles and the battles that he has to fight every day.
Idea: Giedrius Paulauskas and Raimondas Pasternackis („Woxx Barbers“)
Videography: Jevgenij Tichonov („Quiet Films“)
Color graded using Film Convert
Šis vaizdo klipas skiriamas miško broliams atminti. Kazlu Rudos miškas, kuriame jis nufilmuotas, kadaise buvo partizanu prieglobstis. I ji iženges pagrindinis herojus tarsi dar karta nusikelia i praeiti: sugrižta pasislepti, o gal bent trumpam pailseti nuo ji supancios kasdienybes, nuo mušiu, kuriuose jis privalo nepailsdamas kovoti.
Idejos autoriai: Giedrius Paulauskas ir Raimondas Pasternacki
• Please watch in HD and wear headphones • Mark, a boy who looks to be in his late teens, is forced into completing a task by an unknown voice on the other end a cell phone. His decision to do what the man says leave Mark with unsettling feeling that person on the other end of the call may kill his family. Unless he decided to take charge. A Film by Alex Jarus & Ryan Doyle Written, Edited, Directed, & Shot by: Alex Jarus Co-written & Co-edited by: Ryan Doyle Aerial cinematography by: Alex Jarus Starring: Ryan Doyle Special Thanks to the Jarus Family My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/thealexjarus Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexjarus Instagram: http://instagram.com/alexjarus Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/alexjarus Ryan's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3r9UfHTl3nYhhPJSw0o1yw Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ryandoyle123 Instagram: @Rdoyle321 Shot on a Canon C100 and graded with FilmConvert
By Alex JarusShort documentary I shot and directed for LAMP Community, a homeless shelter in Downtown LA's Skid Row.
For more information on LAMP and their services: http://www.lampcommunity.org/
Graded using Film Convert
Colored with Film Convert
Entry for Zooma's "Bring Solo to Life Contest"
5th Place Zooma
This is a story of a person who revisits his village school after a duration of 12 years & is nostalgic about his childhood. His childhood love is teaching in the same school where they both used to study as kids. Produced By- State Institute Of Film & Television. Directed By -Yogesh vats Cinematographer -Vinod Prashar Editior -Manoj Kumar Assistant Director-Billu Paul Film Convert
By Yogesh VatsWritten & Directed by Luis Rech, Nicolas Tessari and Rodrigo Machado.
A short film that explores three points of view of three different characters.
This short is an experience, where it should be produced each part of the plot in 60 seconds.
This film was shot on a Canon 6D over the course of four days in Caxias do Sul, Brazil, with Canon lenses. The color grade was done in FilmConvert Pro and was based on variations of FJ 8543 VD LUT.
Frank T. Martinez - Modern Abstracts
One in a series of bumpers created for the 2013 Starz Denver Film Festival. Five artists were commissioned to create a work of art highlighting the festival theme of "Paint the Town Red". They were given complete creative control and we filmed the process, end product and interviews. Each bumper is 30 seconds, these are both put together with the slides at the end for easier viewing.
This and the other 4 mini documentaries focus on art and what it means to the artist and to the world. Individually they showcase an amazing artist, as a whole they give an idea of what it means to be an "artist".
Each short will be shown before the movies during the festival run, and the finished artwork will be on display in the Filmmakers Lounge at the Denver Pavilions. If you don't make it to the festival please visit their websites at:
Angelo Ambrosia - Glass Blower: http://www.ambrosiaglassart.com
Deep Sea Parachute promo/projection footage utilizing a 8mm C-Mount Lenses for macro, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera (BMPC) and using FilmConvert Pro plugin's to give it that rich 16mm grainy organic film look.
By Ryan BennettLove Attitudes, An Abstract art .
Shot on Canon 7d and graded with Film Convert pro 2 .
Directed/Cinematography/Edited : Issac Solemon
Staring : Amna Baber
Post : 24/35 Studios
FilmConvert Cinematography Competition 2014.
By Nikita EmtsovDirected by Youssef Berrouard & Sandrine Maltais
Music: Piano Delusion by William Brandl
Grain with FilmConvert.
Original music by Jardín de la Croix. "Colorado Springs" is a song from their last album "187 Steps to Cross the Universe"
Direction & Cinematography : Manuel Pascual
Jardín de la Croix are: Israel Arias, Pablo Rodríguez, Carlos Schonert and Ander Carballo
A week in lovely Barcelona during the holiday season of 2013.
Shot on a GH2 with a Fujian 35mm C-Mount lens, Minolta Rokkor-X 50mm and the 14-42 kit lens.
Graded in Premiere using FilmConvert and Colorista II.
Music : "Avenida Del Sol" from www.freestockmusic.com
Gaudi font from http://haroldsfonts.com
A profile video of Randy Beeson, Master Craftsman Cabinetmaker and Woodworker. Randy has been building things out of wood for over 40 years. He doesn't remember ever choosing to do what he does, it was more a part of who he is.
If you like the video, you can also visit:
Director of Photography - Oaken Beeson
Editing - Oaken Beeson and Alicia Beeson
Camera Operators - Oaken Beeson and Ifrain Rodriguez
Motion Graphics and Logo - Alicia Beeson
Canon 5D Markii and T4i
17-35mm 2.8l
24-105mm 4i
50mm 1.8
Cobra Crane
Indi Slider
Satchler Tripods
IDC System Zero and JAG35 Follow focus systems
Sennheiser Mics and H4N recorder
Adobe CS6 Suite
Graded with Filmconve
Visit http://dcbrandonfilms.com for more wedding films.
A gorgeous prairie wedding featuring the beautiful bride Kortni and her handsome groom Aaron. From the charming prairie scenery in this wedding film you can see why those of us who call Alberta home are lucky indeed.
The film was shot primarily on location just outside of Edmonton, Alberta at the bride's parent's farmhouse and in town at Vegreville, AB with some b-roll shots taken from the journey in between cities.
What struck me about this couple was their easy-going way of being together and the honest way they communicate with people. A real pleasure to film and be around for the day.
Shot on Panasonic GH4 and G6 cameras and a variety of fast Panasonic zooms and Pentax K mount prime lenses.
Support from Manfrotto, fHugen, and Glidecam.
Audio done with Sony and Rode mics into Tascam DR60's and Zoom H1's.
Music by Ryan Taubert and Gree
Letter is a Psycho Thriller Short Film.
A man narrate a letter to his wife, suddenly story takes a strange turn!
Find us in Facebook facebook.com/srotaderp
A Film By Predators
Special Thanks To
BUFT Media Club
The Killer Arif Haque
Music Composer
Gustavo Santaolalla
Luke Neumann
Other Assistance
Razib Ahmed
Jonny blade
Hasan Jhony
Iman Ali
Mahiduzzaman Rusho
Bipul Chowdhury
Color Correction With
Dubbing & Foley
Sound Design
Rayhanur Kabir
Director of Photography
Rayhanur Kabir
Bipul Chowdhury
Written, Editted & Directed
Angelo Ambrosia - Glass Artist
One in a series of bumpers created for the 2013 Starz Denver Film Festival. Five artists were commissioned to create a work of art highlighting the festival theme of "Paint the Town Red". They were given complete creative control and we filmed the process, end product and interviews. Each bumper is 30 seconds, these are both put together with the slides at the end for easier viewing.
This and the other 4 mini documentaries focus on art and what it means to the artist and to the world. Individually they showcase an amazing artist, as a whole they give an idea of what it means to be an "artist".
Each short will be shown before the movies during the festival run, and the finished artwork will be on display in the Filmmakers Lounge at the Denver Pavilions. If you don't make it to the festival please visit their websites at:
Angelo Ambrosia - Glass Blower: http://www.ambrosiaglassart.com
As an owner of a video production company we get a bit snobby about our tools. I've had an iPhone 5 in my pocket for months but honestly never had the inclination to use it. But one sunny spring day I went to the creek with the family and realized I forgot an SD card in my DSLR. So left with the option of shooting nothing or using my phone, I chose the latter.
Since I had my tool chosen for me I decided to give it the old college try and see if I could make something decent with no extra help. So no accessories, no stabilization tools, no fancy phone apps, no lenses. I used only the iPhone and my own hands, and an occasional rock.
I did cheat a bit at home though, this was edited in Premiere Pro and colored with Film Convert. But hey, cut me some slack, I draw the line at iMovie.
Graded with Filmconvert
Go Solo
Tom Rosenthal
Scheduled for demolition, the Twin Peaks mall was opened up to a select group of street artists to do what they do best, go big. Organized by Gamma Acosta, artists from the surrounding areas beat the summer heat sweating and painting for over a week. The outcomes are shown here. Built in 1985 the mall had a good run but just as the 80's had to sadly end, so did indoor malls. But what better way to go then to be covered in art.
Technical Details:
Shot on a canon C100
DJI Phantom, gimbal, GoPro Black Hero +
Edited almost all in Premiere Pro CC
Graded with Filmconvert
A lens or two
To see more from xSeedDesign:
With Markos
Music by Efterklang - Hands playing butterfly
Voice by Speedenza
Directed/Filmed/Edited by Yiannis Papanastasopoulos
Graded with Film Convert
My very first sort of experiment.
A small tribute to Allan Poe.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lenore!'
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lenore!'
Merely this and nothing more.
August 2014
Filmed with a Canon 1100D. Music: Kevin MacLeod Licensing: revinfilms@gmail.com Copyright @ RevinFilms FilmConvert
By Craciunoiu AdrianPart 2 of Dragon Hunting Music: Far Away Adventure - David Thulin; ntro-1-100bpm - Luke Neumann Licensing: revinfilms@gmail.com Film Convert
By Craciunoiu Adrianwww.centralstudios.tv
Client: BLNK USA (blnkusa.org)
Equipment: Canon 70D, 5Dii, 60D, Canon 35mm L, Tokina 11-16mm, MOVI M5
Music: Chris Zabriskie | I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor
A Day at the Park - Short film by Richard Langberg - Shot with the Canon EOS t3i with a 50mm 1.8. Graded with Filmconvert.
By Richard LangbergA clip of the nature in the Ramat Menashe region in Israel - May 2014 Cinematography & editing: Arbel Rom ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???? - ??? 2014 ????? ??????: ???? ??? http://www.ehpro.co.il Equipment used: Canon 5D Mark III Canon 16-35 2.8L II Canon 100 2.8L Macro Canon 24-105 4.0L IS Canon 50 1.4 Varavon Slider with Motoroid kit Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro Graded With Film Convert.
By Arbel RomA simple clip of a 3 year olds perspective.
Used Mini track dolly and steadi cam.
"Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"
Black Magic Pocket Cinema camera
Lenses: Canon 28mm 1.8, MF3 Lumix 14mm
Music: Lee Rosevere : Eileen
Graded with filmconvert Shot with : Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, Polar C/y 28mm 2.8 lens In Prores proxy mode (high compression, because my cheap sd card cant take anything over than that) Song : On our side ( you tube music library)
Director: Fabrice Mancini
Camera operator: Fabrice Mancini- Arnaud Ly Van Mahn- Etienne Perrin-Studio Fly
Editing: Fabrice Mancini
FX: Fabrice Mancini
Graded with FilmConvert
Camera:canon 6d
software: After Effects, Premiere (OSX)
Intimate unintentional voyages towards external landscapes and organic representations due to impeccable internal melancholy linked with my artistic compulsion. unpreparedness facilitates accidental montages and political argumentativeness encompassed upon Indian subaltern philosophy. it producing ecstasy after the shoot as supper for the sacrifice which may emancipate intellectual nuance eventually while it conceiving.